Group Health Insurance Coverage
With the high cost of health care, health insurance is typically the benefit your employees need most. We will help you work within your budget to find a plan that offers the best benefits.
Offering group health insurance makes more sense now than ever. Affordable health insurance ranked first in a national survey asking employees which benefits would entice them to stay at their current job. That’s hardly surprising, as health insurance premiums continue to rise. Rising rates hurt employers and employees.
Group health insurance plans are designed to be more cost-effective for businesses. Employee premiums are typically less expensive than those for an individual health plan and have better network access. Premiums are paid with pretax dollars, which help employees pay less in annual taxes. Employers pay lower payroll taxes and can deduct their annual contributions.
We will help you find a cost-effective group health insurance program that compares with what larger companies can offer — helping you recruit and keep talented employees. And with the confusion surrounding the Affordable Care Act, we can provide compliance assistance that gives you peace of mind.
Your business is unique, so we don’t give one-size-fits-all solutions. We work with you personally to understand your business and benefits goals, and customize the right insurance package to help you meet them.